Edition 2 – Issue 3 ~ ~ ~ Special Issue

Special: We are continuing to look back at our first year of publication. ~

I am a book person or in other words a bookworm. I can think back when I boycotted computers for them replacing books. Although college gave me no choice, I used them for what I needed and read book in hand. I love the smells of books, the printed paper especially the old ones. I shake my head surprised sometimes of where my life and the computer are today. But thats another story for another time. Back to books, I am happy to say The River has it’s first print. We have compiled an anthology of art and poetry of our first year of publication. It is in print for all to see. -see  In Print on the Tabs ~ In addition, we are happy to announce on Friday our 2012 Writing Challenge – Poetry Contest will begin. Remember you only have four days to submit your entry. For more details click here  or the contest banner on this page. ~ In  this Issue, we feature the poetry from our first publication, the art of Jim Fuess, photography from  Sgt. Cheryl Cox, and the continuation of the most viewed columns in our first year. ~ Enjoy

–*reminder- next month The River turns Quarterly. check out About The River for details